Antenatal care

Antenatal care aims to ensure the health and safety, both physical and psychological, of you and your unborn baby during your pregnancy.

Antenatal appointments facilitate review and discussion of your physical and psychological wellbeing. Appointments enable timely review of blood tests and ultrasounds results performed during the pregnancy, and enable the detection and manageable of any pregnancy complications.  Importantly the antenatal period also provides an essential opportunity for you and your partner to develop a relationship of trust and understanding with your obstetrician.

High level clinical care during your pregnancy is an essential part in preparing for your labour, birth and postnatal period.  Providing this medical and psychological support builds an invaluable foundation upon which a safe and positive birthing experience occurs.

Subsequent antenatal visits

After the first antenatal visit at TasWomen by TasOGS we will see you at least 4 weekly until 28 weeks, 2-3 weekly until 36 weeks, and then weekly until delivery.

A typical first pregnancy antenatal appointment schedule will include at least 14 visits with our TasWomen obstetrician!

  • Four weekly visits: 8, 12, 16, 20, 24 and 28 weeks

  • Two weekly visits: 30, 32, 34 and 36 weeks

  • Weekly visits until delivery: 37, 38, 39, 40 weeks

Our antenatal visits include reviewing your current physical and psychological well-being, measuring your blood pressure, listening to your baby's heart beat, assessing fetal growth, as well as addressing any questions or concerns you may have.

Some visits may require a more in-depth review, such as an ultrasound in the TasWomen rooms to look at your baby's growth and well-being, or a review of test results.

Many pregnancies require additional antenatal visits. A pregnancy that is identified as high-risk, such a twin pregnancy and an IVF pregnancy, will require additional antenatal appointments to safely monitor you and your baby's health.  This will be discussed with you by your TasWomen obstetrician.

We also have two outstanding midwives at TasWomen!  We encourage you to have at least two antenatal appointments with a TasWomen midwife to discuss midwifery issues around pregnancy, birthing, early parenting, as well as the HPH experience.

If you have any questions about your antenatal appointments please do not hesitate to discuss this with your TasWomen Obstetrician.